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SRR Fadeev Agro India

            Agro Bio Complex (ABC)

Nourishing and protecting seeds, soil and plants

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About us

Saving resources for next generations

SRR Fadeev Agro products are state-of-the-art nanoparticles designed for farmers, seed companies and urban growers who are looking for modern and efficient ways to take better care of their farmland, crops and surrounding environment. SRR Fadeev Agro India delivers high quality targeted products, that is key for providing solid foundation for crops and nurturing them organically throughout the lifecycle.

Agronomist with Tablet

Who we are

International team working towards sustainability...

SRR Fadeev Agro India is a bioengineering firm specialized in engineering & biological innovations in agriculture and horticulture. Founded by an international team of scientists who integrated their research  experience and knowledge in biology, medicine and physics to develop unique innovation- Agro Bio Complex technology (ABC). The team carried out extensive research on understanding complete plant requirements and conducted thousands of tests using ABC on several different plants, soil and climatic conditions, studying effect on pathogens, pollinators and pests. Our products provide plants with all necessary nutrients in bioavailable organic form, increases yield, accelerates plant growth and this results in nutritionally balanced agricultural produce.


What we do

We work on the ground with you...

We work with farmers in the field, with seeds companies and urban growers who are passionate about sustainable  agriculture practices

Our mission

  • Develop and implement scientific innovations for enhanced agricultural productivity and promote climate-smart agriculture practices

  • Provide organic solutions to farmers, seed companies, and urban growers that provide state-of-art alternative to chemical based agri-treatments

  • Reduce the chemical load to our environment from our plates



Complete plant food, safe for bees, birds and humans..

AgroBioComplex (ABC), is a unique blend of organic-mineral nutrition and protection support for the plants produced through nanotechnology. It contains:

  • Mix of bio-complexes which contains water soluble, bio absorbable mineral elements necessary for the development and growth of plants

  • Many of these mineral elements provide protection to the plant without harming the environment

  • Nutrient extracts from soil probiotics containing sugars and enzymes needed for overall growth of the plants

  • Extracts from natural root microorganisms, supporting the establishment of natural soil microenvironment

ABC does not  contain toxicants, additives which are harmful to plants, insects or soil microflora. 

ABC being highly bio available provides the plants with necessary nutrient elements that activate plant enzyme systems responsible for metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, water balance, plant adaptation to stress. Microelements take part in oxidation-reduction processes, nucleic and protein metabolism, vitamin and growth regulators synthesis, accelerate biochemical and physiological processes, catalyze all reactions of Krebs and Calvin cycle.

Different plants require varying amounts of nutrients and minerals. Which is why we have scientifically tailored our nutrition formulae to  ensure plants get adequate nutrition and they grow healthy and strong. Not only plants, ABC is complete food for the soil too,  recovering, replenishing and restoring it.

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Our Products

Seeds, soil and sustainability

Sunset over Vineyard

Seed companies

​         Our product- ABC SEED TREATMENT (Download Brochure)

Value proposition

  • Eco-friendly, universal and efficient  seed coating molecules

  • Compatible with other chemicals and plant protection products used in standard seed treatment

  • Water soluble, can  be mixed easily  along with other seed treatment products

  • Safe for the user, seeds and the environment

  • Sustainable and successful solution for the seed companies to provide high quality seeds with better nutrition

Our solution

ABC seed treatment is an unique formulation, containing customized nutrition and protection elements which promote germination, suppress soil pathogens and fulfill the nutrient needs of growing seedling thus enhancing the yield. 


Advantages of ABC seed treatment:

  • Higher germination rate with enhanced vigor

  • Faster and stronger root development

  • Plants are more tolerant to environmental stress      

  • Enhanced nutrient supply to the plants

  • Increased yield

  • Decreased risks of crop-loss due to unfavorable conditions

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Our Product -ABC SEED STARTER (Download Brochure)

Value proposition 

  • Provides easily accessible and absorbable nutrients pool to the seeds 

  • Increases germination potential with enhanced vigor

  • Suppresses soil pathogens

  • Promotes strong and healthy roots

  • Increases tolerance to environmental stress

  • Increases crop productivity

  • Easy and safe application

  • Cost effective and easy to implement

Our solution

ABC seed starter contains divers composition of mineral  elements along with soil probiotic extracts containing  sugars and enzymes During soaking, these molecules enter the seeds and support the early plant development.

Our product- ABC SOIL FOOD  (Download brochure)

            Recover, replenish & restore ..

Value proposition

  • New technology for soil revival

  • Enriches soil with naturally occurring diverse soil microbes and their metabolites

  • Effective even during unfavorable conditions such as cold, drought and high temperature

  • Revives soil fertility by initiating and promoting composting process by constantly digesting plant and insect debris into plant nutrients

  • Being a powerful root stimulating agent, supports plant growth even in adverse climatic conditions

  • Stimulates and supports soil recovery in  poor soils due to fire, salinity etc

  • Accelerates decomposition of crops residues and organic debris in farm fields

  • Safe for the user, plants and the environment

  • Sustainable and successful solution for soil recovery and restoration

Our solution

ABC soil food liquid contains a balanced combination of diverse naturally occurring soil microbes and their metabolites supplemented with mineral elements. It helps in quickening composting, accelerates soil recovery from forest fire, restores soil salinity. Its cellulose and lignin digesters accelerates stubble digestion in farm fields.

Advantages of ABC Soil Food

  • Stimulates rapid absorption of nutrients from the soil by plants.

  •  Accelerates plant growth and development

  • Organic and mineral components assure a high level of nutrient availability

  • Helps plants to retain moisture during prolonged droughts

  • Increases the effectiveness of plant protection agents and thus helps in reducing  the  pesticide load on the environment

  • Accelerates stubble digestion in the farm fields

  • Restores soil fertility

Our product-ABC GREEN GROWTH (Download image)

Vegetables & Fruit trees 

  • Customized mix of organic forms of mineral elements required for vegetative growth

  • Metabolites, sugars and enzymes from soil probiotics along with micro elements enhance photosynthesis

  • Liquid foliar spray facilitates direct absorption through leaf surfaces in addition to the uptake by the roots

  • Increases  plant vigor and strength

Our product-ABC FLOWERING-FRUITING (Download image)

Vegetables & Fruit trees

  • Customized mix of mineral elements to stimulate  bud formation, flowering and fruit ripening

  • Combination of micro elements prevent flower drop and fruit decay

  • Significantly enhances, taste, aroma, size and nutritional content of fruits

  • Increases yield by 15-30%

Our product- ABC CEREAL CROPS (Download image)

Rice, wheat, maize and millets

Crops undergo three general growth phases- vegetative, reproductive and ripening. Nutrition requirements for the crops varies at each stage. Therefore we scientifically tailored our ABC formulae for each stage providing- 

  • Customized mix of mineral elements to promote tiller formation, booting, enhance flowering and promote grain filling and maturation

  • Combination of microelements along with metabolites from soil probiotics promote faster and stronger root development

  • Increased tiller formation culminates in increased yield by 15-30%

Our product-ABC PROTECTION (Download image) 

Fungal and pests

  • Organic mineral based plant protection

  • Contains unique minerals, which nourish the plant but repel pests and kill fungi, bacteria even viruses

  • Protects against infections and pests

  • Effective as preventive agent when used regularly 

  • Safe for birds, bees, pets and humans

  • Protects and  prevents without harming the biodiversity

  • Liquid foliar spray, makes the plant surface “too salty” for pests and pathogens

  • ABC protection enhances the effect of chemical protections during severe infections even when used at lower concentration

  • Helps in reducing the chemical load 

On the Laptop

Urban Growers

Our products (Download)

1) ABC seeds starter (Download brochure)

2) ABC Foliage  (Download brochure)

3) ABC Flowering (Download brochure)

4) ABC Vegetables (Download brochure)

5) ABC Succulents (Download brochures)

6) ABC Orchids (Download brochures)

7) ABC Soil Recovery (Download brochure)

8) ABC Protection (Download brochure)

9) ABC Home kit (Download brochures)

10) ABC Kitchen Garden Kit (Download brochures)

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Safe for bees, birds, humans and indoor use

Home: Products


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ABC SEED TREATMENT offers organic, ecologically safe and efficient seed coating molecules. It can be used either alone or along with other seed treatment products in a standard seed treatment procedure. 
Available in multiple pack sizes. Applicable for all crops and vegetables.




ABC SEED STARTER provides the seeds with all the necessary nutrients it needs to germinate into a healthy seedling. It promotes fast and strong root growth.
Available in multiple pack sizes.
Customized for different crops and vegetables. Easy application, soak or spray the seeds before sowing.




ABC GREEN GROWTH is a foliar liquid spray customized to support vegetative stage growth for vegetables and fruit trees. It provides nutrition in highly bio available form. Promotes vigor and green growth, prepares the plants for flowering and fruiting.
Available in multiple pack sizes.




 ABC FLOWERING-FRUITING is a customized mix of nutrition foliar spray to promote flowering and fruit ripening.  A unique formulation which prevents flower drop and fruit decay. Increases yield by 15-30%. 

Available in multiple pack sizes. 




ABC RICE is a nutrition and protection  foliar spray, customized for each growth stages, tillering, booting, panicle formation- flowering and grain maturation. ABC use can bring down the weedicides and fungicides consumption by 30%.




ABC PROTECTION is an organic mineral based protection against fungal and insect born diseases. It contains a unique and selected set of minerals which nourish the plants but kill the pests and pathogens.




ABC SEED STARTER is a nutrition spray for seed germination, root formation and sprouts development. It increases germination  up tp 99%, making it easy to grow plants from seeds at home. Easy application, spray or soak seeds/cuttings before planting.




ABC FOLIAGE is nutrient spray for green leaves, provides plants with all nutrients for bright, large green leaves with no yellow tips or brown spots on the surface.
Being organic, its is safe for indoor use. Now lush green plants are just a spray away.




ABC FLOWERING is a customized nutrient foliar  spray for flowering plants. It fulfils a plant's needs for rich flowering and blooming. Regular use results in constant flowering, more flowers, brighter colours, bigger flowers and a longer flowering time.




ABC VEGETABLES is a complete foliar spray for efficient growth, balanced nutrition, protection, flowering and fruiting of vegetables. ABC VEGETABLES makes it easy to grow organic vegetables with high nutritional value at home.




ABC SUCCULENTS is a customized nutrient spray to have lush green succulents at home. Succulents are low feeders, ABC provides nutrients just at the right amount without scorching or burning them.




ABC ORCHIDS is an unique formulation to grow healthy and beautiful orchids at home. Chemical sprays can easily burn orchids. ABC provides organic mineral nutrients which are  easily absorbed by orchids.




ABC SOIL RECOVERY is a foliar spray for improving soil biological composition, quality and fertility. Regular use of ABC SOIL RECOVERY enriches soil with nutrients necessary for plants. Helps to grow any plant organically and efficiently at home.




ABC HOME GARDEN kit is a complete kit to help you maintain your garden easily, safely and sustainably. It offers  customized foliar sprays for seed, soil, garden plants and protection sprays against fungal and insect diseases.




ABC KITCHEN GARDEN KIT is a complete kit to help you grow your own organic, nutritious and healthy food- easily, safely and sustainably. It offers customized foliar sprays for seed, soil, garden plants, vegetables and protection sprays against fungal and insect diseases.

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News and UPDATES

Straight from the Field

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Organic Mangoes with ABC

In collaboration with Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and Apollo Total Health SRR Fadeev Agro India worked with farmers in Aragonda village, Chittoor district using ABC to grow organic mangoes for one whole season. ABC doubled the yield of mango, completely chemical free!

Trimurti Plant Sciences, based at Hyderabad, India has been a very valuable collaborator and now a satisfied customer for us. They have been carrying out tests and trials on multiple hybrids for rice, corn and tomatoes to see the on field impacts of various ABC products including ABC seed treatment, ABC Vegetables and ABC Rice on plant vigor and yield.

JK Agri Genetics Ltd, based at Hyderabad collaborated with us to test the impact of ABC Rice on AXR rice seeds production. Trials were carried out at their multiple farms located in Hyderabad. ABC resulted in 10-15% increase in the yield. 

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Sales orders

At SRR Fadeev Agro India, each one of you is our partner in our mission to conserve, preserve and grow healthier. 

For any sample or buying any of our mentioned products, please directly contact:

SRR Fadeev Agro India Pvt Ltd.


Contact no. : +91- 8121022868

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Contact us

Do you want to learn more about how ABC technology can help you conserve, preserve and harvest more?
Or if you want to share your feedback for any ABC product you are using. Get in touch today. We had love to hear from you, as it helps us grow with you.

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